About Us
History and Heritage
The history of Café da Fazenda is a coffee love story that passed from generation to generation, through our grandfather, an Italian immigrant, who built his crops with seedlings that he pulled from the woods, because at the time, there were no seedling producers in the region.
Our roasting facility was founded later, in November 1990, aiming to add more value to the coffee produced on our farms, and just like that CAFÉ DA FAZENDA brand was born. We are based in the calm and beautiful municipality of São Domingos do Prata, 140 km from the capital of the state of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte. We are proud of our roasting facility, that celebrates more than 3 decades, with a history full of achievements and dedication to our customers.
Over these decades, the company has undergone several changes and restructurings, always seeking excellence in products, always true to our mission to preserve the environment, producing in a sustainable and non-aggressive way to nature.

Generating an average of 200 direct and indirect jobs in the region throughout the year, our coffee estates always takes a special attention to social responsibility. Several families in the region (São Domingos do Prata and Manhuaçu) benefit from the coffee harvest, where they find income to support themselves. This success story continues, with the improvement of the product mix, always offering more quality and options to our customers.
At our coffee estates, we produce the Arabica variety, with the following species: Yellow and Red Catuaí, Catucaí, Mundo Novo, Bourbon and others. Bourbon is planted in a higher altitude area of the farm, which gives the coffee higher quality.
Our Gourmet coffee is produced with selected beans, from peeled cherry coffee or natural coffee, only the mature beans, which gives it an unparalleled sweetness, aroma and flavor.
During the coffee harvest, the fruits of the coffee plantations are taken to the drying terraces. The coffee that comes from the plantation is washed and then separated into green, dry, ripe and cherry-ripe coffee (the latter being peeled). The coffee undergoes natural drying on cement terraces and on suspended terraces (for selected hulled coffee beans).
Café da Fazenda currently has three estates prepared for the planting, processing and storage of the coffee varieties we offer.
Café da Fazenda products are prepared with the already recognized quality of the brand.
Our Safra Limitada coffees are coffees from family farmers in the Matas de Minas region. These are coffees with traceability, with a score above 84 points (special category), with unique characteristics. The best coffees are carefully mined, carefully cut to make your cup a real black diamond.
After roasting, the coffee varieties go to the storage silos and are then blended, that is, they are mixed and directed to the specific silos of each category of coffee (traditional farm, extra strong, premium, gourmet, Prata). This gives greater homogenization of the beans, more flavor and quality to the coffee. Once this is done, they are ground and packaged, ready to go to the points of sale.

Everyday taste better with great coffee!
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